All posts tagged: Personalized Health Tool

PH360 – World’s First Personalized Health Tool

I have recently been given the privilege to be one of the pioneers in Singapore to experience a new personalized health assessment tool you can do on your own in the comfort of your home called PH360, which stands for having a 360 degrees view on your Personal Health. PH360 is created by internationally renowned health expert, Matt Riemann, who was diagnosed with a terminal illness 9 years ago. Since then, he has spent the past decade gathering an international team of collaborators who are leading scientists, researchers, medical doctors and health professionals with expertise in the fields of anthropometry, endocrinology, molecular biology, epigenetics, phenotypology, nutrigenomics and neuroscience, to tackle this seemingly impossible task. Since then, he has not just recovered but in 2014, Riemann and his team launched the world’s first personalised health tool PH360 based on gene expression, combining concepts of Chinese medicine, Ayurveda and conventional medicine to produce a platform with the ability to predict the exact foods, fitness, environments and lifestyle – or epigenetic factors – to make intuitive decisions for one to stay healthy and avoid disease. So, to start …