Pray, Weight Loss
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Weight Loss – Update #1

After 40 days since my first step to healthy living and sustainable weight loss, I have had a few private queries on my progress. Since I promised to be publicly accountable, I have been to 9 Personal Training sessions, and lost about 3kg. It is still a longgggggggggg way to go from my fitness goals that I set over the next 2 years, but I feel great to be off to a good start in first 40 days despite having to do work travels in between.

The small new habits I am have tried to form in last 40 days:

1) Exercising 5x/week – taking total of only 4 hours a week

    • 2x Personal Training, more of resistance trainings (1 hour each) – new
    • 2x Cardio (30 mins each) – already doing last 2 years
    • 1x Pilates class (1 hour each)  – already doing last 2 years

How I made time for the extra 2 hours of Personal Training was cutting down on social media and TV time. I sometimes catch up on my Social Media posts/RSS feeds while I am on cardio sometimes to maximise my time on the cross trainer.

2) Eating small meals through the day

  • Pack 2 wholemeal sandwiches for Hubbubu and myself everyday to eat as snack between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner. This is to keep glucose and energy level consistent through the day. – new for the wholemeal portion, sinc eI have already been forming this frequent eating habit with less healthy snacks in the past year

Eating small meals through the day also boosts metabolic rate, and reduces chance of overeating during main meal time.

I am a big believer of not trying to chance too many things at one time, so above are the 2 new things/tweaks I focused on in past 40 days.

Though I am still early on the journey, I am feel stronger (20kg benchpress currently!) and more energetic. Looking forward to getting better every day, week, month 🙂

*Pic is not mine. Source = Fitspiration.

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